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CCV / VCV crosslinked line domestic support
SJ30×25~SJ200×25series insulated sheathing extruder
Fiber optic cable and optical cable sheathing line
Box-type stranding machine
Gantry ground rail moving take-up , off frame series
Φ2500~Φ5000gantry ground rail moving type A close row , off frame
Φ1250~Φ2500Single girder gantry hanging close row, line planes
Φ1600~Φ2500Single Column double girder gantry hanging close row, line planes
Φ5000 to roll up machine
TQD Ⅱ series pneumatic crawler tractor
Package with tractor
Φ500-Φ1250 swing arm type closing platoon , put the line planes
Various auxiliary
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Fiber optic cable and optical cable sheathing line
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Address:Wuxi jiangsu province mountainous Qian Qiao town Mr Sheng village (tin road no. 301) 
Zip code:214153 Tel:0510-83296552 Fax:0510-83296551
E-mail:qzy@wx-sn.com fqh@wx-sn.com http://www.wx-sn.com
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